Annual meeting 2025

Mike & Key Swap Meet

The Repeater group is looking for donations for this event. We will have two tables at this event. This is how we raise funds for the upkeep of our repeater system. If you have anything that you would like to donate, please contact any board member and we will gladly accept your donation of any good working piece of equipment, large or small!

Dates announced

The date for the general meeting is going to be February 8, 2025 at the South Bay fire dept starting at 1:00 PM.

Also announced is the date for the annual picnic. It will be depending on availability of the kitchen at the park attentively scheduled for August 2, 2025.

More information will be following soon!

Repeater Roundup results


The contest is over ! Many thanks to those who participated; we hope you had fun. Check back next year for the next Repeater Roundabout !

Here are some stats on the contest, based on the logs received. These numbers are underestimates, because we are missing a good number of logs !

  • Total number of contacts made : 1,906
  • Number of unique operators contacted : 211
  • Number of repeaters activated : 108
  • Number of participants who submitted logs : 27

Please don’t hesitate to send us your thoughts and feedback, either by email at or on our Discord server.


Many congratulations to our winner, AG7LR ! Go to this link (Repeater Roundabout) to see the individual contestants. Click on the names to see how they did.

Club Standings

These are the total number of activations on the repeaters belonging to each club, including duplicate contacts on the same repeater.

1Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club217
2Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society159
3Puget Sound Repeater Group147
4Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service132
5Lake Washington Ham Club95
6Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club85
7Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service73
8Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system68
9Highline Amateur Radio Club66
10Barry K7PAL’s repeater system63
11Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club62
12Radio Club of Tacoma53
13SeaTac Repeater Association49
14Federal Way Amateur Radio Club45
14Western Washington Medical Services Emergency Communications45
16Tom N7OEP’s repeater system41
17Mercer Island Radio Operators35
18Pierce County ARES33
18West Seattle Amateur Radio Club33
20Mark K7DK’s repeater system29
21Steve N9VW’s repeater system28
22Eatonville Amateur Radio Club27
23Bainbridge Amateur Radio Club23
24K6RFK’s repeater system20
24Radio Amateurs of Skagit County20
26Capitol Peak Repeater Group18
27Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club17
28Olympia Amateur Radio Society16
29Seattle Auxiliary Commonications Service13
30Western Washington DX Club10
31Island County Amateur Radio Club9
31Kent Communications Support Team ARC9
33Snohomish County Hams Club8
34Mason County Amateur Radio Club7
34Matt KC7EQO’s repeater system7
34San Juan County Amateur Radio Club7
37Lake Chelan Amateur Radio Club6
38Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Operators North Society4
38Madigan Army Medical Center4
38Stanwood-Camano Amateur Radio Club4
41Mount Baker Amateur Radio Club3
42Carl K7CH’s repeater system2
42Everett Auxiliary Communications Service Club2
42Greater Kingston Radio Club2
42Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association2
42Methow Valley Amateur Radio Club2
42Whatcom Emergency Communications Group2
48Charlie N7KN’s repeater system1
48Gobblers Knob Repeater Group1
48Marrowstone Island Amateur Radio Club1
48Michael N3KPU’s repeater system1
48North Idaho Repeater Group1

Repeater Standings

This table shows how many contacts were made on each repeater, including duplicates. The Readability score is the average signal report across all reports for that repeater – it’s the number of the CM report, or the R in an RS(T) report.

1Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club146.6201504.79
2Puget Sound Repeater Group146.9601334.82
3Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society145.3301234.92
4Barry K7PAL’s repeater system444.700634.6
4Lake Washington Ham Club145.490634.17
4Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club146.820634.86
7Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service444.550524.5
8Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club146.620484.8
9Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service146.920364.72
10Highline Amateur Radio Club146.660344.09
10SeaTac Repeater Association441.550344.38
12Pierce County ARES145.370333.64
13Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society442.075324.97
14Western Washington Medical Services Emergency Communications146.900314.19
15Radio Club of Tacoma147.280303.5
15Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service442.875304.2
17Mark K7DK’s repeater system440.950293.76
18Federal Way Amateur Radio Club146.760264.35
18Lake Washington Ham Club441.075264.35
20Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club442.650254.32
20Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service442.300253.88
20Tom N7OEP’s repeater system443.175254.16
20West Seattle Amateur Radio Club441.800253.52
24Highline Amateur Radio Club443.100244.38
24Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club441.175244.67
26Bainbridge Amateur Radio Club444.475233.25
26Eatonville Amateur Radio Club146.700234.13
28Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system147.300224.27
28Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club224.120223.82
28Radio Club of Tacoma145.210223.68
28Steve N9VW’s repeater system147.100224.64
32Mercer Island Radio Operators147.160204.45
32Radio Amateurs of Skagit County145.190204.0
34Capitol Peak Repeater Group145.470184.11
34Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club444.075184.22
36Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system145.410174.29
36Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club145.150173.94
38Federal Way Amateur Radio Club442.950164.88
38Olympia Amateur Radio Society441.400163.56
38Tom N7OEP’s repeater system53.330164.5
41K6RFK’s repeater system147.340153.93
41Mercer Island Radio Operators440.150154.07
41Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service443.725154.53
44Kitsap County Amateur Radio Club442.650144.79
44Puget Sound Repeater Group52.870144.86
44Western Washington Medical Services Emergency Communications443.550143.93
47Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service443.200133.54
48Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system147.140104.5
48Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system444.675103.92
48SeaTac Repeater Association443.050104.6
48Western Washington DX Club147.000105.0
52Kent Communications Support Team ARC147.32093.11
52Seattle Auxiliary Commonications Service444.55094.33
54Snohomish County Hams Club147.18084.5
54West Seattle Amateur Radio Club145.13083.75
56Island County Amateur Radio Club147.22074.0
56Matt KC7EQO’s repeater system442.10074.14
56Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service440.60074.0
56Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service146.78074.43
60Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system224.76063.5
60Lake Chelan Amateur Radio Club146.82064.67
60Mason County Amateur Radio Club146.72064.67
60Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service442.97564.67
64K6RFK’s repeater system442.77554.0
64San Juan County Amateur Radio Club224.48054.4
64Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service443.47554.2
67Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Operators North Society443.92544.75
67Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society224.34045.0
67Eatonville Amateur Radio Club224.18044.0
67Highline Amateur Radio Club441.12544.0
67Highline Amateur Radio Club443.70044.5
67Madigan Army Medical Center442.75045.0
67SeaTac Repeater Association224.44043.25
67Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service224.38044.0
67Steve N9VW’s repeater system443.32544.0
76Federal Way Amateur Radio Club442.92534.33
76Lake Washington Ham Club53.17032.67
76Lake Washington Ham Club224.36033.0
76Mount Baker Amateur Radio Club146.74033.33
76Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service444.20034.33
81Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system441.37523.5
81Everett Auxiliary Communications Service Club440.17524.0
81Greater Kingston Radio Club444.72524.0
81Island County Amateur Radio Club146.86025.0
81Methow Valley Amateur Radio Club147.32024.0
81Seattle Auxiliary Commonications Service440.52525.0
81Seattle Auxiliary Commonications Service443.02524.0
81Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service444.02523.0
81Stanwood-Camano Amateur Radio Club147.36025.0
81Stanwood-Camano Amateur Radio Club223.88025.0
81Steve N9VW’s repeater system53.83024.5
81Whatcom Emergency Communications Group442.25024.0
93Bruce WB7DOB’s repeater system442.62514.0
93Carl K7CH’s repeater system53.03015.0
93Carl K7CH’s repeater system145.27513.0
93Charlie N7KN’s repeater system441.42514.0
93Gobblers Knob Repeater Group53.41015.0
93Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association147.28012.0
93Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association147.32013.0
93Marrowstone Island Amateur Radio Club440.72514.0
93Mason County Amateur Radio Club927.412515.0
93Michael N3KPU’s repeater system145.23015.0
93North Idaho Repeater Group53.39015.0
93Radio Club of Tacoma440.62514.0
93San Juan County Amateur Radio Club146.70014.0
93San Juan County Amateur Radio Club443.45012.0
93SeaTac Repeater Association927.212515.0

Quentin K7DRQ (  •  2024

Information Net

Are you wondering what went on this past summer? Are you also wondering what is in store for the coming year? Do you want to hear about the history of this repeater? Well starting November 3rd, you may just get some of your questions answered. The Sunday night informational net will be starting up that night at 8:00 PM on the 145.47 Capitol Repeater group repeater with a PL tone of 100 hz, and will run for approximately 30 minutes. You don’t have to be a member of this repeater to participate. Please come and join us. See you then! Remember Sunday November 3rd at 8:00 PM.

2024 Annual Picnic

ARRL update

Updated 5/22/2024

We are continuing to address a serious incident involving access to our network and systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected.

We have heard from many LoTW® users, asking about the status of the service and its data. This is not an LoTW server issue, and LoTW data is secure.

Our editorial and production team is preparing the July issue of QST magazine, which is still going to press. It may be delivered a few days late to members who receive print subscriptions. The digitial edition should be published on time.

We appreciate your continued patience as our staff and others work tirelessly to restore affected systems.

This story will be updated with new developments.

MFJ Ceasing On-Site Production

MFJ Enterprises, Inc. founder Martin F. Jue, K5FLU, announced that as of May 17, 2024, the company will cease on-site production at their Starkville, Mississippi, facility. Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage, and Vectronics brand products will be affected by the shutdown.

In a letter posted to social media, Jue said he is looking forward to retiring:

Times have changed since I started this business 52 years ago. Our product line grew and grew and prospered. Covid changed everything [for] businesses, including ours. It was the hardest hit that we have ever had, and we never fully recovered.

I turned 80 this year. I had never really considered retirement, but life is so short, and my time with my family is so precious.

Jue founded MFJ Enterprises in 1972, after building a CW filter kit that sold for less than $10. Since 1990, the company has acquired several other legacy brands within the amateur radio market. Jue shared that the company will remain open to sell existing inventory because they have “a lot of stock on hand.” They will also continue to offer repair services for the foreseeable future.

Jue expressed gratitude to the many longtime employees of MFJ, some of whom have been with the company for 40 years.

He also thanked MFJ dealers and radio amateurs for their patronage over the decades.

He also sent a special message to ARRL Members and loyal QST readers:

“I give my deepest heartfelt thank you to my fellow hams all over the world, and especially to ARRL members and QST readers. In my youth, I was given a second-hand set of 1958 QSTs. I read them over and over until I practically memorized every word. This gave seed to MFJ.

MFJ became a worldwide ham radio leader only because of you. As I turned 80, I cannot thank you all enough for 52 wonderful ham radio years. Thank you, 73s . . . Martin F. Jue, k5flu”

The end is near.

Om May 5, 2024 we will have our last Sunday might informational net for the season. We plan to be back on the air late fall. We hope you have enjoyed the nets and we hope you will return when we get back from our summer vacation. Keep listening to the repeater and check the web site regularly as we will from time to time will have announcements that will concern the amateurs in our area of repeater coverage. Looking forward to hearing you all check in next fall.

FCC to Require Two Factor Authentication for CORES Users

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced an upcoming change to the Commission Registration System (CORES) that licensees use to pay any application or regulatory fees, manage or reset a password on an existing FRN, or request a new FRN. Beginning March 29, 2024, multifactor authentication will be implemented. Users will be prompted to request a six-digit secondary verification code, which will be sent to the email address(es) associated with each username. The user will then need to enter the code into CORES before they can continue.

In a public notice, the FCC said this change will make the system more secure. “This additional layer of security will further safeguard against unauthorized access, thereby enhancing the overall integrity of information contained within the CORES system and improving the security of user data,” it read.  

The FCC recommends that users confirm they have access to their username account email and to add a secondary email address, if need be.  

Resources are available for those who need assistance with the system. For inquiries or assistance regarding the implementation of multifactor authentication on CORES, submit a help request at, or call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM ET).