
Autopatch: An autopatch is available on the 145.47 repeater. All Thurston County numbers and service into Shelton are available.
Autodial: Autodial enables repeater users to activate the telephone interconnect and programmed (stored ) telephone numbers. 100 memory slots are available for user autodial numbers. If you would like to make use of the autodial function please contact K7CAH or W7OLT for your codes and programming.
Paging: – If you monitor the repeater, it it possible for a third party to page you on the repeater through the reverse patch. For this function to work you must have an autodial slot programmed for you.
Last number redial: You can redial the last number entered for the autopatch. This is useful if the number dialed is busy.
Weather: Temperature readout in voice is available through the repeater. These are the temperatures on Capitol Peak. Two temperature sensors are available, one on the tower and one inside the equipment cabinet. The high and low readings for the day are automatically reset at midnight each day. An alarm has been programmed for the outside temperature sensor. When the outside temperature reaches 30 degrees, the repeater will announce in voice to be aware of possible icing conditions. This announcement will occur hourly at 12 minutes after the hour. It will automatically reset when the temperature goes above 30 degrees.
A NOAA weather receiver is also configured into the repeater system. Weather information can be received at anytime by simply turning on the weather receiver with the codes provided when you become a member of the Capitol Peak Repeater Group. During times of adverse weather conditions, NOAA may transmit a severe weather alert. When this occurs, the repeater will announce a severe weather condition and automatically turn on the NOAA radio for the alert information. This alert condition will time out in one minute. If more information is needed, then the weather radio must be turned on manually. This alert feature could occur during the middle of a conversation. If this happens, please standby until the weather radio turns off.
DVR: The repeater controller is equipped with a large ( 16 megabyte ) digital voice recorder ( DVR ) that is capable of audio quality recording. The DVR has two voice mail areas. One is a public voice mailbox. This section only has 10 message areas and is intended for short messages to fellow HAMS. Mail for —— is announced four times a day or can be brought up at any time to see if you have messages in this area. The second mailbox is the private mail. This area contains 1000 private mailboxes. Each mailbox can hold 5 messages and these voice mail messages can be fairly long. Both the public and private voice mail can be accessed through the reverse autopatch.


Voice mail through the reverse autopatch is intended for family members or very very close friends. This is third party traffic that is placed on the repeater. It must adhere to Part 97 of the FCC rules.

The DVR also has a audio test tract. When activated, everything said on the repeater is recorded. It is played back on carrier drop. This is an excellent test of how well you are making the repeater.
The DVR is very user friendly. It operates very similar to the telephone voice mail system. You are prompted through all the various commands
Tone Pad TestThe repeater has a test circuit that will check your tone pad. If you have trouble with the switches on the Intertie, the repeater or autopatch, it is a good idea to test your pad.
Evergreen IntertieThe Evergreen Intertie is an interconnected group of amateur radio repeaters located in the Northwestern United States. FM repeaters operating in the VHF and UHF bands are interconnected ( linked ) by full duplex UHF radios. The network is open to all licensed amateurs and access codes are available.

If you are interested in joining the repeater group please contact Jeremy Prine AG7WT for a brochure.