Mike & Key Swap Meet
The Repeater group is looking for donations for this event. We will have two tables at this event. This is how we raise funds for the upkeep of our repeater system. If you have anything that you would like to donate, please contact any board member and we will gladly accept your donation of any good working piece of equipment, large or small!

Dates announced
The date for the general meeting is going to be February 8, 2025 at the South Bay fire dept starting at 1:00 PM.
Also announced is the date for the annual picnic. It will be depending on availability of the kitchen at the park attentively scheduled for August 2, 2025.
More information will be following soon!
Repeater Roundup results
The contest is over ! Many thanks to those who participated; we hope you had fun. Check back next year for the next Repeater Roundabout !
Here are some stats on the contest, based on the logs received. These numbers are underestimates, because we are missing a good number of logs !
- Total number of contacts made : 1,906
- Number of unique operators contacted : 211
- Number of repeaters activated : 108
- Number of participants who submitted logs : 27
Please don’t hesitate to send us your thoughts and feedback, either by email at quentincaudron@gmail.com or on our Discord server.
Many congratulations to our winner, AG7LR ! Go to this link (Repeater Roundabout) to see the individual contestants. Click on the names to see how they did.
Club Standings
These are the total number of activations on the repeaters belonging to each club, including duplicate contacts on the same repeater.
Repeater Standings
This table shows how many contacts were made on each repeater, including duplicates. The Readability score is the average signal report across all reports for that repeater – it’s the number of the CM report, or the R in an RS(T) report.
Quentin K7DRQ (quentincaudron@gmail.com) • 2024
Information Net
Are you wondering what went on this past summer? Are you also wondering what is in store for the coming year? Do you want to hear about the history of this repeater? Well starting November 3rd, you may just get some of your questions answered. The Sunday night informational net will be starting up that night at 8:00 PM on the 145.47 Capitol Repeater group repeater with a PL tone of 100 hz, and will run for approximately 30 minutes. You don’t have to be a member of this repeater to participate. Please come and join us. See you then! Remember Sunday November 3rd at 8:00 PM.