Get to know the local repeaters this November

The Puget Sound Repeater Roundabout is a weekend-long event held on many of our local repeaters. The goal is to meet new people and work repeaters you might not usually key up. Light up the airwaves and make some noise on the great repeaters in the Puget Sound area!

The Puget Sound Repeater Roundabout will begin on November 19th, 2022, at 00:00, and end on November 20th, 2022 at 23:59, Pacific time.

Anyone with a ham radio license can participate! You don’t even have to be local; stations may participate over Echolink or Allstar if they are available.

Repeaters Only these 109 participating repeaters from 48 radio groups are eligible for scoring points in the Repeater Roundabout. Please stick to these repeaters; we don’t want to annoy anyone who did not want to bring the contest to their repeater.”

For complete details visit: . This is an excellent opportunity for hams of all ages and license class to experience a contest on six meters and up repeaters. Every ham is invited and encouraged to participate whether you have a $30 handheld or a $3,000 base/mobile radio.

Thank you, Puget Sound Radio Group, for this awesome get on the air opportunity.